Tips for using Upverter at your Hardware Hackathon

Are you organizing a hardware hackathon? Or participating in one?

Why Upverter is the perfect hardware design tool for hackathons

  • There’s nothing to download or install. Participants simply sign up for an account and get started on their design immediately, from their browser. Open-source accounts are free!
  • Hackathons are almost always team-based. Upverter is built for teams and lets engineers share and collaborate on parts, schematic, layout, and manufacturing.
  • It’s easy to share your design with others at the hackathon and submit your project to the organizers.

Tips for Organizers

  • At the end of the hackathon, participants can easily submit and display their projects using Upverter’s sharing features. They can embed the design on any web page or simply submit the URL of their project page.

  • If you’re live-blogging/tweeting, the embed and project URLs are an awesome way to link the project so others can watch the participants work in real-time. This is also a great way to share the work of the winners in any publications after the hackathon!

  • Similarly, participants can share their design with mentors. They can add the mentors as collaborators on the project so they can markup the design and easily give feedback.

  • If it makes sense for your hackathon, you can pre-create designs and modules that participants can fork and use as starting points. If any sponsors are donating hardware, they can put those parts into Upverter ahead of time for the participants to use.

  • If you’re giving presentations at the end, simply load up the design in your browser and put it up on the projector.

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