New part delay 15 char

Upverter is going to take over the industry. Know how I know? Cause they’re cutthroat. They’ll list any ol’ feature they want to get your money. What are you going to do about it - call them out on it? :wink: Like API/Scripting support. Uh, really? You’re seriously using that as a selling point? Is there a magic url where any documentation exists?

Or concierge, which if you take a look in this forum you’ll see a few posts related to some rather dubious and questionable behaviors on the part of Upverter. But whatever - they’re just trying to make a living.

Here’s my current problem: concierge has been indicating 60m left on a part for the last 6 or 12 hours and which has been in concierge for about 7 days now. Does 60m mean 60 months or 60 minutes? If 60 minutes then why even put that if it’s a completely useless indicator?

Look, I think I understand that a lot of parts are in concierge right now. Why not farm out the process to contractors using mechanical turk or something because right now I think my $125 for this month is NOT GOING TO BE USEABLE BECAUSE I DON’T HAVE A PART TO USE TO BUILD ANYTHING WITH.
