How to find a technical co-founder willing to relocate to Shenzhen?

We have a great idea, some press, a healthy mailing list, regular emails requesting demonstrations and partnerships, and lots of twitter followers…
We also have design, coding and electrical engineering aspects covered by we really need a mechanical engineer who is really interested in the project, but this is proving quite hard.
Employing someone remotely from elance is not ideal since we’ve realised that we really need to do some serious prototyping, while looking ahead to manufacturing, and that means heading to China.

How can we find someone that fits the bill?

Our project is a low cost VR motion simulator.

Finding a co-founder who is willing to relocate to Shenzhen is no harder and no easier than finding a co-founder, period. In our case, we are five co-founders. In the beginning, two of us plus a designer moved to China, and now the entire team has decided to relocate there temporarily (6 to 12 months) because production is our top priority. The willingness to make these sacrifices is what we assume of entrepreneurs. If a co-founder is not willing to relocate to Shenzhen or anywhere else for the betterment of the company, it is better that he not be a co-founder at all.

Tomi Pierucci
Co-Founder / President, Bluesmart