Filtering on constraints gets reset after navigating or selections

Not a biggie but when I use the filter to narrow my constraints down the filter generally resets itself (the right sub-nav) after I make a selection, i.e., it goes from 170 violations back up to all project-wide violations.

As an example if I have tons of violations (1500+) I want to go layer by layer. So I specify “L3_SIG” in the filter and I get only the constraints that match that text. This works fine. Unfortunately it resets each time I click on the constraint violation which to me means it’s probably a bug-ish issue or perhaps just simply not feature resilient if that makes any sense.

@ekeyser How do you feel about not getting replies to your post which point out the issues your coming up against? Or are you getting replies somewhere other than the forum?

@solardude Sometimes it’s frustrating, sometimes not so much. I post on the forums for a wider audience in hopes someone other than UV will have a workaround but often don’t hear anything at all. Makes it seem like either I’m the only one experiencing a particular issue or I’m not doing something correctly.

I’ve sent emails separately to UV and will sometimes hear back right away and other times I won’t hear anything at all. Nothing at all directly to support@ is very frustrating especially since at the very least I’m just looking for is an acknowledgement of my correspondence with them and not necessarily a fix right away.

It’s almost like I’m QA. Hmm, maybe for each legitimate bug I come across I should be rewarded with a concierge part request :wink:

@ekeyser Yea after seeing many of your questions going unanswered or unacknowledged is a tad bit worrisome.

I’m just hoping the support is there when its my turn for needing help. I would expect support for $125 per month.

I’m still waiting on my 5 parts to be created. I think its coming up on a week now of my parts saying only 60 mins left until they are done :smile: I really can’t move forward until they get these parts created for me.

If I want to move forward they are literally forcing me to create footprints and parts myself which is funny because thats one of the main selling points that set’s their business apart from other options. It’s frustrating.

The lack of people on the forum is weird also. I know you can’t be the only one having these issues and I know were not the only people using this software. Where is everybody? are their questions being answered via the intercom support system instead?

I hear ya. I think it’ll get better. It’s new stuff. But I totally get what you’re saying.

@ekeyser I agree. They got all my parts created today after a message via Intercom asking how much longer it would be. So I’m feeling much better now that I can start working on the schematic :smile: