Fill Imported DXF Shape with Copper


I’m trying to figure out how to import a DXF file into Upverter as a copper pour layer.

The DXF import feature seems to import the lines correctly. However, I would like to fill in the space between the lines with copper.

Is this an automatic feature of the DXF import somehow?

Hi Keenan,

Unfortunately this is not possible. The DFX is meant to be an outline and that’s all we’ve designed it as. If you want to fill it in, you would need to use the pour tool to trace the imported DXF. If you set the snap to guides, you can use the imported outline as a guide for the pour.

We can look to add this to our feature list for the future.


Ah yes that is really a deal breaker for my team. A lot of the RF community uses features like this in other PCB layout packages, so I think it’s a valuable feature to add.

Interesting. What’s the use case for this? Just so that I understand it better. Are you getting RF designs (eg. Antenna) in DFX?

I want to do this as well.

My use case is that I want to make a pretty shape out of the copper layer for an art piece where the PCB is designed to be visible and part of the art itself. (The copper will look like a flower, or a cloud)

Could I somehow import a path and then use the scripting API to copy those points into a new pour?