Equivalent to st-mc-5f-01 USB micro smd female socket

Browsing around the parts libraries I cannot find the SMD USB socket st-mc-5f-01 (http://it.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-100pcs-Micro-USB-5P-5-pin-Micro-USB-Jack-5Pins-Micro-USB-Connector-Tail/32230162372.html)

It is very similar to the MOLEX 47346-0001 that you can find in the library, but is lacking the holes for the small plastic rods the st-mc-5f-01 has (http://g04.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1ZyUvGFXXXXcIXXXXq6xXFXXXL/221430014/HTB1ZyUvGFXXXXcIXXXXq6xXFXXXL.jpg)

Do you think there is an equivalent part (footprint wise) in the library?


I am not sure, but if you have a datasheet with the footprint, we would be happy to make it for you.