Copyright problem when use MAX232CPE

Hi guys,
I think upverter is nice, before I start to use this tool to build some commercial projects. I need to figure the copyright problem out first.

When I searched MAX232CPE , I found out this part is imported from Altium.
My questions,

  1. Are you get the license from Alitum?
  2. If I use this from my project and share to my company, will I get some legal Issues?


sorry for the confusion.

  1. The imported from is the file type that was used (this is so we can track fixes if we had a bug in our importer). The components are provided from our library import service that we provide. We do this a lot less now that we released the Concierge – who will review and make components meet Upverter standards when then are used or request, making it easier to get the library that you need.

  2. no, you are fine to use the part.