Can't login from public wi-fi

Hi, I can’t login into upverter proper (support forums login works fine) while on an unreliable public wi-fi. I submit login and password which causes favicon to spin and then nothing happens. Not sure how reproducible or even fixable this bug is but there you go.

While we’re at it, why does the login system require me to press the ‘login’ button time on each session? It can’t be security since login information is saved.

Hmm, this is odd because the forum login is using the site login to auth you.

Are you logging in with a password or Facebook/Twitter/GitHub?
What browser/OS combination are you using?

As for why the system requires login every time, our site cookies are session based.

Could it also be because it requires an HTTPS?

A few public wifi spots disable HTTPS based websites.

No login information is not connected to any other network.
Firefox 35.0.1 on Win 7. Actually just clearing cookies tied up with upverter solved the problem. Cheers!

Yes, but what’s the logic behind requiring login for each session?

All right, good to hear!

I believe we just defaulted to session-based cookies.

If login information is being saved (as in your username and/or password are already populated in the login window when you visit the site), that is a browser/plugin behaviour and is not controlled on our end.