BGA resulting pad size possibly too large

I am using a part created and verified by concierge and have a question about the BGA ball landing area. The part is Texas Instruments AM4376BZDN100.

Currently the footprint is generating a copper landings of about 19 mils (.48mm). While that is the correct dimension as far as the BGA ball size is concerned there is a specification pertaining to recommended BGA landings (pad sizes). For this particular part that should correspond to a pad size of somewhere between 11-12 mils.

My question is has this been a concern with others and is it possible to update the concierge part to reflect this 11-12 mil pad size?

This is a concern for me because I’m guessing when the gerber files get generated they will produce pad sizes that are far to large to meet pcb manufacturing requirements for trace constraints. Specifically in this case 5 mil traces and clearances.

An import of an Allegro (I’m guessing) Texas Instruments pcb design (from TI directly) shows this smaller 11-12 mil pad size.

If you’re looking for an example I have a TI reference design located at which should be publicly accessible.


btw the spec is IPC-7351A